
LMS and its implication in the information age

Watson (2007) addressed that LMS goes beyond a simple content delivery. Since the society might not require people to do mass production in educational situation, nor see all students have same idea from delivered instructions, LMS would propose active functions besides a management function. The chances are that LMS will impact upon the 4 key features of blended learning mentioned above: ubiquitous, collaboration, access, sharing. Reigeluth etc. (2008) pointed out four main function of new age of LMS. That is, recording, planning, giving instruction, and assessment functions. Amongst them, I would see giving instruction as an essential part of LMS function.

As web 2.0 allows learners to create, modify, remix, and share the contents through open source and free software such as podcasts, weblogs, and videos, same diversity would be occur in this function. The instructional development tool could create customized instruction. Reigeluth further mentions that to obtain an efficient application of learning object standards will be beneficial and vital for education in order to better share and evaluate their suitability (p.36). I suppose nowadays the chunks of contents are widely shared through open course software and other free website and they are powerful learning tool. If instructors and parents side will be able to manage the instruction as sharing and modifying, possibly those learning contents would be more effective learning sources; additionally, the learner could stop and think and leading to obtain meta-cognition thorough LMS which has management function that provides self-pacing learning.

Cited work:
  • Reigeluth, C. M., & Watson, W. R. & Dutta, P. & Chen, Z. & Powell, N. D. P. (2008). Roles for Technology in the Information-Age Paradigm of Education: Learning Management Systems. Pre-publication draft.

  • Watson, W. R., & Lee, S., & Reigeluth, C. M (2007). Learning Management Systems: An Overview and Roadmap of the Systemic Application of Computers to Education. Hershey: Information Science Publishing.


Digital literacy skill

For previous week, we discussed about digital literacy skill. Amongst several articles I read, I would like to elaborate on teen's creation.

Since 2004, we have seen recent web phenomena as web 2.0. There, these terms: openness, ease of entry, and adding own value to existing ideas, would express what web 2.0 is. As society faces this dynamics, it might be said that digital literacy skilled person might have not only competencies for typing or programming or accessing to the Internet, but ICT skills.ICT skilled person could be referred to a person who can define, access to what he wants, manage, integrate, evaluate, create, and communicate with people.

Teens can access the information what and when they need; therefore, It is quiet essential that they obtain critical thinking skill which can judge and evaluate the information. Here, I have a question regarding to communication.As the article showed, teens usually would check and give commnents to their relatives on the weblongs; besides, the reason of that was to maintain their relationships.I suppose it could be safe if they only communicate with their friends, but can I call it really communication?

In my country, teens use Social networking site to communicate with frineds, but they seem to be forced to see the blogs and give comments, just as doing their assignments.This resulted that many teens were reluctant to use the web for communication. This sounds bit sad since the web would provide people with World-Wide human relationships.

Cited work:
Lenhart, Amanda, & Madden, Mary (2005). Teens content creators and consumers. Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Report. Retrieved on November 19, 2006, from: http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Teens_Content_Creation.pdf