
Connectivism and

At the beginning of my post, I would like to briefly start reviewing the article for this week, I mean last week.

Jenkins (2006) in an article "Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for 21st Century", indicates three points which education faces some challenging with regard to new media. Participation gap, transparency problem, and ethics challenge are three points of them. Amongst them, I particularly focused on second point, transparency gap.

Jenkins points out the issue that there is difference between master of game rules and recognize the ways those rules structure our perception of reality(p.4). Taking this point into account, one question could be risen up, that is, can students really assess the quality of information?

It is hard to define the quality itself though, some might argue that Googling to obtain data and discover new findings are only superficial, and nothing do with learning.
However, I myself, think Google or many web contents saved my academic life so far (quiet), and also suppose that as long as we can distinguish between rich contents and not qualifies information, Internet based learning should be encouraged for next generation because this definitely facilitate our learning in terms of time and space for sharing.

2 件のコメント:

Seolim Kwon さんのコメント...

I also agree that web technology is efficient in learning in some ways. As you pointed out, it saves our time by providing necessary and rich information so quickly and easily.

Seolim Kwon さんのコメント...