
Final post

It was my first semester here to be in a master course. Also it was my first time to read bunch of English articles within 4 months period. To my surprise, I learned a lot from professional blogs rather than research papers. A blog is a space for reflecting personal information in informal way, but the ideas written in blogs gave me ideas and let me find new interests. As clicking on links, I could link to variety of sources and thoughts.

For teachers, utilizing YouTube is one of ways of making their instruction beneficial. I even did not know there were educational sources in YouTube site. Video explains complex theory pretty clear and many video argue or give questions to viewers. Also there are free collaborative tools (what I was most interested in). How teachers incorporate Web 2.0 technology such as YouTube materials and collaborative tools in classroom comes a critical question. Definitely, instruction design is necessary for a better learning and maximizing students learning.

As Open course software spread out the world, anyone who has Internet access can benefit from them and learn what he wants to learn. On the first day of lecture, Dr. Bonk said education should be free. I now understand the importance of the phrase.
Unlike conservative society like Japanese society, everyone has right to share and right to benefit without a hesitation. Japanese SNS, mixi, has lost participants year by year because people are too skeptical to knowledge share or they may think SNS is old fashion; however, those who feel like that have not experienced real Web 2.0 phenomena. I was one of them, but now I believe using Web 2.0 can enrich my daily academic life and private and it already became essential skill to live 21 century lively.

1 件のコメント:

Seolim Kwon さんのコメント...

Hi Yuichi. I agree that I learn a lot from a blog as well as a research paper. Especially, having a blog friend in San Francisco State university was a very cool idea to see how other students have different ideas about web 2.0 environment and see how they differently use it. I believe web 2.0 is changing our perspectives of learning and relationships with people...